Bathroom Renovation / Upgrade

Skilled Tradies Melbourne is able to completely transform your old bathroom to make it look like something you might only dream about.

Bathroom Renovation / Upgrade

Skilled Tradies Melbourne is able to completely transform your old bathroom to make it look like something you might only dream about. Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can supply and fit products from all the leading brands – you choose the bathroom furniture, tile and accessories and we along with our team of qualified plumbers, tilers and decorators then work together to fit and manage the entire project for you.

Alternatively, if you would like some help with the design; what accessories go best with which tiles or what colour schemes to go for, then our designers will assist you

Ready to order your project?

Skilled Tradies Melbourne is a Melbourne-based maintenance company, specialising in remodelling and renovating bathrooms, kitchens and indoor/ outdoor areas.


Monday - Sunday: 8am - 7pm
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